Pool and Pool House

Zoriana Siokalo rehousing archives


In 2020, the Foundation received a $5,000 grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation through the National Trust Preservation Fund. This funding has allowed us to engage David Biggs, Biggs Consulting Engineers in fall 2020, to complete a concrete assessment of two historic properties on our complex, the Pool House and Pool, and make recommendations for their preservation.

Over the summer and fall, we worked on the restoration of the roof and interior structural supports of the Pool House. This large structure, measuring 33’ x 30’ and open at both ends, was built in 1960 with a distinctively canted barrel-vault roof design. The roof is constructed of plywood covered with a thin layer of asphalt and edged with copper, the base constructed of stone and concrete block. The Pool House is one of the earliest examples of a building whose water is heated with a passive solar system. The adjacent Pool, built about the same time as the Pool House, received a design award in 1960 for the innovative form and use of the cantilever principle of the concrete deck, a design element mirrored in the Pool House itself.

Nakashima Foundation for Peace