The Foundation Role

The Foundation was originally created in 1984 to collect funds to build Altars of Peace around the world, “small points of light encircling the globe.” However, in searching for spaces that would welcome people of all faiths, races and nationalities, it became apparent that the environments themselves, as well as programs surrounding the Peace Altar-Tables should be included in its mission.

After Marion Nakashima’s passing in 2004, Kevin and Mira realized that preservation, protection, and perpetuation of the Nakashima Legacy means preserving the Nakashima buildings in New Hope and their contents for future generations, and asked the Foundation to shoulder this responsibility as well. Although the expense of maintenance has so far been borne by the Nakashima furniture business, the Foundation will play a crucial role in safe keeping the Nakashima Legacy and will need financial support to do so.

Peace Quotes

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Love peace above all,
Love peace as you love the Lord Himself.
Let nothing be dearer to you
Than peace and mutual love

St. John of Kronstadt


Peace between neighbors
Peace between kindred,

Peace between lovers,
In love of the King of life.


Peace between person and person,

Peace between wife and husband,
Peace between woman and children,
The peace of Christ above all peace.

Ancient Celtic
The Hebrides


Flowers every night

Blossom in the sky,
Peace in the Infinite,
At peace am I.

Queen Liliuokalani
awaii 1838-1917
Nakashima Foundation for Peace