The Craft
Select texts and images taken from –
“Altar for Peace: A Tale of Two Artists”
by Jay E. Write for Popular Woodworking magazine, Aug/Sept, 1986.

A Black Walnut tree, determined to become the first Peace altar.
In 1983 George Nakashima purchased what was considered one of the largest walnut logs in the world. It came from a 300-Year-old tree on Long Island. 12′ Long, it tapered in diameter from 5 to 7 feet.

George Nakashima and Scot Wineland. With much consideration to his task to cut the Claro Walnut tree, Scot designed and built a special mill for the job.

George watches as Wineland and his crew make the first cut.

After every other cut, the chain on the eight-foot saw has to be sharpened

After the first slab is cut, Wineland washes off the sawdust to show the grain pattern.After every other cut, the chain on the eight-foot saw has to be sharpened

After every other cut, the chain on the eight-foot saw has to be sharpened

The center revealed.

The center-cut slab is worth about one thousand dollars in 1986